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Bobby, former RAF Officer, shares his thoughts on Armed Forces Day.

Written by MASS

Published on June 28, 2024

Armed Forces Day is always an important date for us; it’s an opportunity to celebrate the bravery and daily sacrifices the Armed Forces community make on our behalf. As part of this year’s celebration, we spoke to Bobby Lower, former RAF officer and MASS BD manager. Bobby opened up on his time in the RAF and what Armed Forces Day means to him:

Tell us about yourself.

I’m Bobby, I live in Cambridgeshire with my partner Holly, our tenacious 2-year-old Theo and our beautiful baby girl Florence. I joined the RAF when I was 19, initially as RAF Police then later commissioned into the RAF Regiment. I left the RAF in 2022. Outside of work (and a quite a bit in work) I’m an avid Coffee Enthusiast. Before having small children, I also enjoyed cycling both road and trail and CrossFit.

As an ex-RAF officer, what does Armed Forces Day mean to you?

Military personnel, very often, don’t get to enjoy the lifestyle a lot of our civilian friends and family do, we’re constantly an email or a phone call away from having to pack up and go away for long periods, very often at short notice.

As such living a “normal” life, planning to go to birthdays, weddings or anniversaries etc are often missed. Our training teaches us to put the requirements of the service and the country first. It’s nice to be reminded of great acts of valour by a cohort of military personnel who have done great things. I also feel having a day dedicated to being grateful to those who, every day, sacrifice what we all take for granted is wonderful.

What is your biggest highlight from being a member of the Royal Air Force?

My first operational deployment to Afghanistan in 2011 on Op HERRICK 14. I deployed as a Weapons Intelligence Specialist alongside the Counter-IED Task Force. We were embedded with 42 Commando Royal Marines, and as such I go to work with a fantastic mix of people across all three services. This was an experience I’ll never forget, and to this day I’m able to draw from my experiences during that time.

How have you found settling back into civilian life?

Difficult, as your sense of belonging and value can feel as though they’re no longer there. However, finding MASS and being able to work within the Defence industry has made that significantly easier as I still work and interact with the Defence community. Also, knowing that I’m at home, able to support my family and be more present as a father (which is ultimately why I left) is a real anchor for me.

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